Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Circus Around The Independence Square

“There is a circus around politics.  But if you think its a game, then you forget what the purpose of politics actually is” (quote by Johann Lamont, former Scottish Labor Party leader).  Calls for more integrity and an end to the circus are coming except that we have an entirely alternative meaning for the word, “integrity.”  A campaign fund labeled “Integrity in Law Enforcement” was allegedly used as Mike Sanders’ own personal piggy bank, as reported by the KC Star, and used to write checks to his political cohorts including those at the very top in Independence City Hall.  The irony and hypocrisy over the use of the word “integrity" is typical Independence politics.  Sanders also had ties to several law firms including Humphrey Farrington McClain (HFM) who actually hired Mike after he abandon his elected post after only a single year into his term as the highest elected official in Jackson County government.  Mike also served as leader of the Missouri Democratic Party which as been loosing ground in Jefferson City.  As an employee of HFM, Mike was seen on TV news programs pushing the Farmer’s Market project and redevelopment on the Square which, of course, benefitted the personal investments of his employer.  The Second District Councilman who was enlisted to lead the Downtown Redevelopment Coordinating Committee also allegedly received contributions from “Integrity in Law Enforcement.”  His hand-picked committee follows the current trend of excluding history and preservation stakeholders in spite of the fact that the Square is a National Historic Landmark District, a designation of highest importance to the nation and it’s 325 million citizens.  As for all of Mike’s accomplices and enablers, they are still out there.  Keep in mind that here in Independence, you can actually serve time in the federal penitentiary and still have a life practicing law.  Yes, there is a future for Mike at HFM.  In his absence, I'll close with a quote from one of my favorite philosophers and comedians, George Carlin, “Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.”  And so the circus continues and we all have ring-side seats.  And you thought Santa-Cali-Gon was the only carnival on the Square!


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