The City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri recently received one of only five national honors for the “2010 Great American Main Street Awards” from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. This award recognized Downtown Lee’s Summit Main Street Inc. for their work and accomplishments in revitalizing the heart of their community. Their success was a result of strong political support, appropriate professional planning, a progressive business community, and, more importantly, an active historic preservation program that promoted attractive tax credit programs offered at the state and federal level. Lee’s Summit currently hosts five historic districts (with a sixth one on the way) while viewing its historic built environment as community assets and using historic preservation as an economic development tool. This is what can happen when a community is running on all cylinders. They have been able to balance the success of booming growth and economic development combined with protecting their important historical resources. Yes, they know how to walk and chew gum at the same time. Congratulations to our neighbor, the City of Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
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