Saturday, February 13, 2010

Make a Wish and Blow out the Flames

On President’s Day Weekend, let us rededicate ourselves to our own presidential history. Let us strive to preserve neighborhoods in our community that promote human interaction and helping one another as opposed to new developments founded on barriers & isolation. It’s about maintaining neighborhoods with safe pedestrian-friendly paths as opposed to those dependent on gasoline-powered engines. It’s in having neighborhood churches and institutions that view adjacent homes as shelters for souls and spiritual revival as opposed to obstructions to convenient parking. Where homes are not just considered investments in one’s portfolio but also investments in the heritage of one’s community and beyond. It’s in fostering a sense of place and community where young families choose to invest instead of the location of last resort for those with very few choices. It’s being blessed with institutions of compassion & wisdom addressing needs in their own back yards as they prepare to march off to save the world. Where revitalization plans are judged based on their impact on families as opposed to dollars & duration. And where government entities put more emphasis on community preservation as opposed to program preservation. Where our property taxes are considered a responsibility to our community as opposed to being used as leverage to induce responsible behavior. And where diversity is considered an asset rather than a deed restriction. Where judgments of crime & punishment are based more on what is best for the safety of families and neighborhoods versus the availability of jail space. And yes (in reference to the photo above at 822 N. Liberty), a community where arson is considered a punishable crime and not a revitalization tool. Here in Independence, we have tremendous opportunities to lead the nation in preservation & revitalization instead of being just another case study of lessons learned.

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