Discuss and dish about the Truman areas in Independence, MO.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Requiem for the Palmer building?
Today's McCoy newsletter has an article about the Palmer building. It's for sale now, listed with a realtor for $985,000. Here's the link: http://www.ceahrealtors.com/our_properties.htm. You may remember the reason it was vacated to begin with - deadly mold. The kind that puts people in the hospital. So, is the mold just a bonus, or is this a fire sale so the school district can just walk away? I know it's ancient history, but let us remember the school building just up the street conveyed to an organization for "one dollar and other valuable considerations" and look how THAT turned out. I love the sight of winos drinking out of a paper sack, waiting for a free lunch in full view of the Truman home tourists. Nice visual. There's an election coming up in Nov. for the school district - it's time for old-towners to ask what's REALLY going to happen here.
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