The boyhood home of Harry Truman in the photo above located at 619 S. Crysler was recognized this summer by officials from the City of
Monday, November 30, 2009
Presidential Boyhood Home gets Recognition
Friday, November 27, 2009
Victorian Home Well Done
This evening is the 3-year anniversary of the fire
Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy Birthday National Trust

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Last Place in the Standings
Sunday, October 11, 2009
School District “Passes the Buck”
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Walk the Walk

Monday, September 14, 2009
Higher Learning Regarding Higher Ground

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
How much asphalt is enough?
And speaking of the festival of festivals, I think it's time to move it. I feel sorry for the McClain's businesses, especially this year since the tents were set up so early - they must've lost a lot of business in their restaurants.
Why do we have to experience the love every year? There's that new sales-tax supported events center in southern Independence near I-70. It would be some great exposure for the Missouri Mavericks. All those lovely handicrafts could be indoors - I think it's the perfect solution.
Boundary Fractious-Disorientation (BFD) – Historic Districts
Thursday, September 3, 2009
High Water of Biblical Proportions
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hell in a calico-lined handbasket

Let's not forget the Examiner's hard-hitting brand of journalism this week featuring a front page story about the ten favorite foods of Santa-Caligon. . . Forget about unemployment, crumbling infrastructure, crappy mass transit and a rash of foreclosures here on the north side - have a funnel cake and a lemon freeze! Why worry?
Just to be clear, I'm not opposed to a festival on the Independence Square. I am opposed to a carnival that brings tons of crime and the need for extra police protection all in the name of profits for the Chamber. Can we aspire to a better event, like the Irish Fest, maybe? Do we really have to cater to the lowest common denominator? This festival used to mean something historic in the community. It's unfortunately morphed into an orgy of bad food and entertainment all in the name of the almighty dollar. Anyway, I think the crowds are dwindling from previous years and eventually this cockroach on the pie of square progress will die a quiet death. Until then, yipee-yo-kay-yea motherfuckers!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Chamber of Santa-Cali-Gon Rules the Square!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Truman Road Redevelopment Stalled
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Independence Heritage Tourism
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Old School Buildings
Yes, great idea for a blog for the neighborhood and good rules. Yes, the old Palmer Bldg is an important part of the neighborhood. I believe the Independence School District has some responsibilities to clean up the mess. It was a lesson I learned in kindergarten that, if you make a mess, you clean it up. And don’t the Boy Scouts have a saying that you always leave a place in better condition than it was before you occupied it. These are pretty basic principles that seemed to have been ignored, especially in old town Independence. These lower standards for community stewardship are the reasons why we had to implement a big neighborhood revitalization program years ago. We expect property owners to live by these basic principles. Absentee landlords have trouble with this. Churches should live by this principle but also struggle. You would think that a public education institution would be more sensitive to this. I hate to put the Independence School District in the same category as absentee landlords but I guess it is time for neighbors to give them a grade card. I would also invite citizens to look at the old Santa Fe Elementary School building at 23rd & South Union Streets (see adjacent image). This is a building they sold, also, and now look at it. Will the Palmer building look like this someday? Why is Old Palmer Junior High building worth close to $1,000,000 with toxic contamination and the relatively clean Old Chrisman Junior High building was worth the cost of 32-ounce Mountain Dew at QuikTrip (that includes ice, reusable cup, and straw)? Did I hear correct, the School District will be asking us to vote for a bond issue this fall?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Requiem for the Palmer building?

The Evening Constitutional
That said, if you live up and around the Square and/or the Truman neighborhood, let us know what's on your mind.
The rules of the blog are pretty simple - identify yourself or not and say what you think within reasonable limits. Name calling and personal insults will not be published. Tell the truth and provide links to the facts whenever possible. Other than that, I believe in the freedom of expression. Sometimes a word or two can be helpful for emphasis and for relieving stress. Blog away. Your comments are welcome.