Friday, April 10, 2015

Real People Block Real Progress

The above photo was published on several social media sites so we might as well perpetuate the story.  It is a photograph of two men allegedly in the process of stealing valuable building materials from the restoration site of 419 North Pleasant Street, a Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) project implemented by Builders Development Corporation (BDC), not-for-profit organization with the lofty goal of neighborhood revitalization and stabilization.  In this location, BDC is contributing positively to the Truman National Historic Landmark District shortly after it was listed on the state’s “Top Ten Most Endangered and Threatened List” in 2009.  Yes, that’s right, they are stealing from a “national” treasure and stealing from a not-for-profit (charity) trying to accomplish this project against all odds including the local criminal elements.  It is not unlike the thief problems suffered by Habitat for Humanity before they moved out the neighborhood (see “Crimes Against Humanity” blog post dated 2-9-10) except in this case it was in broad daylight.  In fact, it was under the watchful eye of 80 apartment balconies.  In the photo, they are using the unsecure/unmonitored parking lot of Heritage House Apartments to stage this crime, secure the lumber, and place a red flag at the end of the long pieces, you know, so it is legal. If you recognize these folks, please let them know how pathetic this behavior is and notify the police.  It is obvious the person who took this photo cares about the neighborhood and hopes for the success of hard-working people who want to restore and improve the Truman Neighborhood, not just for us local folks, but to help preserve the important “national” story of Harry Truman and his beloved neighborhood.  Please be vigilant!