Friday, May 16, 2014

Maple Avenue Apartments Takes Seat at the Bottom

As posted on April 19, 2013, “Maple Street Goes HD – High Density”, it was stated in the Missouri Housing Development Commission’s (MHDC) official annual report that the Maple Avenue Apartments in Independence MO was on the State’s “Watch List” for poor management and physical conditions.  This announcement was at a time when MHDC just approved the support of the Palmer Senior Housing project at the old Palmer Junior High School Building, right next door to the Maple Avenue projects resulting in a substantial increase in the density of this block (97% rental).  The MHDC had their annual meeting again last month and, again, it was reported that Maple Avenue Apartments has now been on the State’s “Watch List” for 15 months in a row making it one of MHDC’s worse run housing projects.  The report state’s “Staff inspected the property in December 2013 and found the physical condition, marketing techniques, and overall management of the property needing improvement. Inspection items remain open and uncorrected 8823s were issued as appropriate.”  While driving by the facility recently, problems were blatantly obvious.  An abandon couch, pictured above, had been left out in the rain for several weeks.  I have to keep reminding myself that this is all within view for tourists at the Harry S Truman Home National Historic Site and during Truman Week, Truman’s 130th Birthday, and a time when congressmen and dignitaries were in the neighborhood to dedicate two completed NSP housing restoration projects.  Unfortunately, witnessing this level of property management in the neighborhood is common.  What’s extremely troubling is the fact that we tolerate it and, to a certain extent, we actually expect low standards of care for our Presidential Neighborhood.  Even the Midtown / Truman Road Corridor Neighborhood Revitalization Corporation (M/TRC), who receives public money for their operations and their efforts to maintain property maintenance codes for those receiving tax abatement, doesn’t seem to care about this situation.  Yes, Maple Avenue Apartments has been and continues to receive tax abatement from M/TRC.  City Hall does little to hold developers accountable city-wide but especially here in the Truman Neighborhood.  And this comes when the city is doubling down on government-subsidized rental property on Maple Avenue.  These situations would be troubling in any neighborhood and drive investors away from owner-occupied properties.  But these situations in the Truman National Historic Landmark District, one of the most important residential neighborhoods in the country, are especially troubling and are becoming a national embarrassment.